What is Programming? ...and What is Programming in the Age of AI?

(Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen, Claus Brabrand)

Communications of the ACM, 2025.

To appear. 




The four (weekly) themes of the four-week Microworld project at the end of CS1.

Circle of Life: Microworld Project at the end of CS1

(Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen, Michael E. Caspersen, Claus Brabrand)

To appear, SIGCSE-TS 2025, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.





Programming education across disciplines: a nationwide study of Danish higher education

Programming education across disciplines: a nationwide study of Danish higher education

(Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen, Sofie Kramshøi Nielsen, Louise Meier Carlsen, Claus Brabrand)

Higher Education, 2024.





Visualizing the Conceptual Framework of Object Orientation. Modeling the reality in code.

Visualizing the Conceptual Framework of Object Orientation for Novices Programmers

(Jakob Staugaard, Jens Bennedsen, Christoph Seidl, Sebastian Nicolajsen, Mathias Fink, Claus Brabrand)

FIE 2024, Washington DC, DC, USA.





Invisible Women in IT: Examining Gender Representation in K-12 ICT Teaching Materials

Invisible Women in IT: Examining Gender Representation in K-12 ICT Teaching Materials

(Ingrid Maria Christensen, Melissa H. Marcher, Nanna Inie, Claus Brabrand)

ICER 2024, Melbourne, Australia.


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The Robots are Here: Navigating the Generative AI Revolution in Computing Education
(Brett Becker, University College Dublin)

CCER & Computer Science Lectures at IT University of Copenhagen.

Many colorful post-it on a wall with lots of ideas written and drawn on them

Teaching Participatory Design

(Vincenzo D’Andrea, Betsy DiSalvo, Giacomo Poderi, Jesper Simonsen)

 In: Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Participatory Design, Routledge (to appear, mid 2024).   

Young man making a presentation at a meeting

Learning in Unaccredited Internship as Developing Interns' 'Horizontal Expertise'

(Jelena Popov)

 Vocations and Learning (to appear).   

2 females sitting together with a laptop, back to camera and laptop in focus

Teachers’ Knowledge and Capacity for Using Digital Resources in Mathematics Education

(Hoyos, V., Silverman, J., Carlsen, L.M., Lee, A.)

In: Pepin, B., Gueudet, G., Choppin, J. (eds) Handbook of Digital Resources in Mathematics Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham, 2023.


female teacher in yellow shirt with laptop working

Designing activities for CAS-based student work realising the lever potential

(Louise Carlsen)

Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education16, 1-19, 2023.


programming under the influence data sheet

Programming under the Influence: On the Effect of Heat, Noise, and Alcohol on Novice Programmers

(Claus Brabrand, Nanna Inie, Paolo Tell)

Journal of System & Software.


Click for full image.

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Feedback on Student Programming Assignments: Teaching Assistants vs Automated Assessment Tool

(Nynne Grauslund Kristiansen, Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen, and Claus Brabrand)

Koli Calling 2023.


3 students sitting at a table, 2 male and 1 female. 1 male at computer, 1 man drinking coffee, 1 female smiling and is wearing sunglasses

Gender Differences in the Group Dynamics of Smaller CS1 Project Groups

(Bjørn Hjorth Westh, Nanna Inie, Louise Barkhuusand Claus Brabrand)

FIE 2023, College Station, Texas, USA, 2023.


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Designing Participatory AI: Creative Professionals’ Worries and Expectations about Generative AI
(Nanna Inie, Jeanette Falk, Steven Tanimoto)

CHI 2023.


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Aiki - Challenges and Opportunities of Using Redirection of Activity for Self-Regulation Online
(Nanna Inie, Bjørn Hjorth Westh, John Henrik Muller, Mircea Filip Lungu)

CHI 2023.

Paper - to be uploaded


hand beneath creatively written letters

Design principles for higher education teacher development - the Teknosofikum course/concept

(Magda Pischetola, Jeppe Kilberg Møller)

Tidsskriftet Læring og Medier (LOM#27), 2023


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Seminar: Changing Introductory Programming
February, 2023

(Louise Meier Carlsen, Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen, Claus Brabrand)

This seminar examines a major rework of Introductory Programming (B-SWU) and discusses the implications of those changes from both student and teacher perspectives. Sebastian details the changes implemented and an analysis of the outcome in terms of student feedback, observations, and grades.

Paper in development. 


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Talk: How to make Computing Education appeal to a broader range of students
December, 2022

Claus Brabrand was invited to give a talk on diversity at the CS Education Research: Content, Pedagogy, Inclusion conference at the Open University of Israel, Tel-Aviv/Ra’anana.  

Watch Claus Brabrand's talk which starts at 1h44’ (to 2h35’)

4 adults sitting at table working on an activity of sorts and discussing

Enhancing teacher collaboration in higher education: the potential of activity-oriented design for professional development
(Magda Pischetola, Jeppe Kilberg Møller, Lone Malmborg)

Springer - Education and Information Technologies, 2022


abstract explosion of thoughts out of a persons head, drawing

Materializing the abstract: Understanding AI by game jamming
(Jeanette Falk, Nanna Inie)

Frontiers in Computer Science, 2022


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On the Effect of Onboarding Computing Students without Programming- Confidence or -Experience
(Pawel Grabarczyk, Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen, Claus Brabrand)

Koli Calling 2022


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Student Perspectives on On-site versus Online Teaching throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic
(Björn Thór Jónsson, Magda Pischetola, Nanna Inie, Mats Daniels, Claus Brabrand)

Frontiers in Education (FIE 2022)


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Computing Educational Programmes with more Women are more about PEOPLE & less about THINGS
(Pawel Grabarczyk, Alma Freiesleben, Amanda Bastrup, Claus Brabrand)

ACM ITiCSE, 2022


A white open spaced library

Designing for the materialization of networked learning spaces
(Magda Pischetola, Mette Wichmand, Rasmus Hall, Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld)

Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning NLC, 2022


row of lightbulbs hanging

How Researchers Manage Ideas
(Nanna Inie, Jonas Frisch, Peter Dalsgaard)

C&C '22: Creativity and Cognition


2 young boys from brazil having fun, 1 sticking his tongue out

Affect as future-making pedagogy: A post-qualitative inquiry in Brazilian primary schools
(Paula Albuquerque, Magda Pischetola)

Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 2022


panel discussion with 5 people woman speaking

"Increasing Diversity in IT" Session at Digital Tech Summit 2021
November 30, 2021

Claus Brabrand and Melissa Høegh Marcher were invited to this year's Digital Tech Summit. They attended the session "Increasing Diversity in IT", where Claus held a talk on the research done in CCER, followed by talks from CEO of IT-Branchen, Natasha Friis Saxberg, and CEO of Fujitsu Denmark, Søren Rinnow Østergaard. The session ended with a panel debate with all four attendants.

Photo: DIREC

A sci-fi-like image in neon colors, a swirl or tornado shape

Re-imagining Digital Technology in Education through Critical and Neo-materialist Insights
(Magda Pischetola)

Digital Education Review, 2021


A computer, a book and a cup of coffee on a round table

Interacting with academic readings — A comparison of paper and laptop
(Nanna Inie, Louise Barkhuus, Claus Brabrand)

Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2021


Side of a ship with numbers on it indicating depth, a reflection in the water

Developing Evaluation Metrics for Active Reading Support
(Nanna Inie, Louise Barkhuus)

Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), 2021

2 young women talking at a whiteboard, they seem to be planning something

Teaching Novice Teachers to Enhance Learning in the Hybrid University
(Magda Pischetola)

Springer, 2021


Asian an with glasses working with pen and paper on the floor, behind him other people

Teaching Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: Active Pedagogy in a Deweyan Perspective

(Magda Pischetola, Luiza de Souza e Silva Martins)

Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, DOI, 2021


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Three +1 Perspectives on Computational Thinking
(Sebastian M. Nicolajsen, Magda Pischetola, Pawel Grabarczyk, Claus Brabrand)

Koli Calling, 2021


teknosofikum logo

Teacher professional development in higher education and the Teknosofikum project
(Magda Pischetola)

Learning Tech - Tidsskrift for læremidler, didaktik og teknologi (10), 2021


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Aiki - Turning Online Procrastination into Microlearning
(Nanna Inie, Mircea Filip Lungu)

Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2021




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DIREC Talk: How Can We Encourage More Women to Study Computer Science?
September 20, 2021

Head of Center, Claus Brabrand, speaks at DIREC talks. The talk centers around the underrepresentation of women in Computer Science and how this is a problem on a societal, institutional and individual level.


headline from an article

Article on research from CCER published in Prosabladet
September 3, 2021

Prosabladet features an article based on research by CCER on how to get better gender balance in IT.
Article (English) | Article (Danish, p.14-18)
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Research film released in 4 languages
November 29, 2021

Over the summer 4 short research videos has been produced in connection with the publication of the two papers mentioned below. The videos are a quick introduction on both papers and prent an overview of some of the result on how 'Computing Educational Activities Involving People Rather Than Things Appeal More to Women.'

american flag English french flag French | spanish flag Spanish | brazilian flag Portugese

Shorter versions in English: 60'' | 20''

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Computing Educational Activities Involving People Rather Than Things Appeal More to Women (CS1 Appeal Perspective)
(Ingrid Maria Christensen, Melissa H. Marcher, Pawel Grabarczyk, Therese Graversen, & Claus Brabrand)

ICER, 2021


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Computing Educational Activities Involving People Rather Than Things Appeal More to Women (Recruitment Perspective) 
(Ingrid Maria Christensen, Melissa H. Marcher, Pawel Grabarczyk, Therese Graversen, & Claus Brabrand)

ICER, 2021


several trees at dawn in an orange glow in the mist

The invisible made visible through technologies’ agency: a sociomaterial inquiry on emergency remote teaching in higher education
(Magda Pischetola, Lyana V. Thédiga de Miranda, Paula Albuquerque)

Learning, Media and Technology,46:4, 390-403, 2021


sculpture of hand holding tree

Evaluating Academic Reading Support Tools: Developing the aRSX-Questionnaire
(Nanna Inie, Bjørn Hjorth Westh)

Computer Supported Education: 13th International Conference, CSEDU 2021


"several people perhaps playing or exploring behind a web of strings

Networked Learning in 2021: A Community Definition
(Networked Learning Editorial Collective (NLEC), Gourlay, L.,RodríguezIllera, J. L., Barberà, E.Bali, M., Gachago, D., Pallitt, N., Jones, C., Bayne, S., Hansen, S. B., Hrastinski, S., Jaldemark, J. Themelis, C., Pischetola, M. et al.)

Postdigital Science and Education, 3, 326-369, 2021


3 women and 1 mand talking at a computer, all smiling

Cultura digital, capital cultural e capital tecnológico: uma análise das práticas pedagógicas no ensino superior
(Daiani Damm Tonetto Riedner, Magda Pischetola)

Eccos - Revista Cientifica, 2021


fisheye photography of a big city with white buildings, taken from above

Teaching as the emergent event of an ecological process: Complexity and choices in one-to-one programmes
(Lyana V. Thédiga de Miranda, Magda Pischetola)

Intellect, 2020


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Inauguration event (Official Center Opening) 
November 5, 2020

Thank you all for celebrating our center opening. 

Special Thanks to Michael E. Caspersen, Amy J. Ko and Simon Peyton Jones for their amazing and inspiring talks.

Learn more

head of CCER claus brabrand receiving a price by crown princess Mary of Denmark

Head of the Center, Claus Brabrand, awarded first Danish National Teaching Award
September 30, 2020

The Award was handed over by H.R.H. Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and the Minister of Higher Education and Science to 2 out of more than 18,000 university teachers coming from all disciplines. Each recipient received 500,000 DKK (67,000 EUR).

About Claus Brabrand (in Danish) | Claus Brabrand's homepage

About The Award (in Danish) | House of the Danish Royal Family (in Danish)

Photo: Søren Kjeldgaard